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About Us

Warmest greetings!

Moms of Many Blessings was the idea of Sheri. After visiting with many ladies and surfing the internet for some time, she saw that there was a need for moms with a number of children, or those who have a heart for children, to visit and share ideas. Those with four or more have unique circumstances in which “the world” does not give encouragement for. Ruth joined in the idea and together, they formed the Yahoo Group, which is no longer. The forum has replaced it.

Moms of Many Blessings club was formed October 23rd, 1999 as a private list, invitation only. During those couple of years, the moderators became keenly aware of all the women and families that were on our list who had real life struggles. Sometime later, Yahoo decided to merge clubs and groups. We waited to see what would happen. We were not given full ability to use the facility and after much prayer and discussion, decided that we would change our name and form a new home, Christian Mommies of Many Blessings. Furthermore, we could be found in the directory and ladies, who were looking for encouragement with like-minded ladies, could find us. Our time there was short-spent, however. Yahoo limited our space and we were running out QUICK! We are now at our own domain with our own forum with choice of what ads we want or don’t want! The layout is much nicer! We are now Christian Moms of Many Blessings or cmomb.

We were pleased to add Gwen to our Administration in October of 2006. Gwen brings with her wisdom of an “older,” godly woman.

As Administrators, we do our best to ensure privacy and safety within our forum:

Our focus now isn’t simply fellowship, but spiritual growth and healthy marriages, as well as sharing the uniquenesses of many blessings.

The word “blessings” was originally meant to mean our children and we discussed the many uniquenesses of dealing with large families. Although some ladies have more “blessings” than others, we have not limited the members to any particular number of children…..just that they do, in fact, consider their children blessings.

There is a wide range of ladies at CMOMB. There are women whose husbands are wonderful spiritual leaders, and women whose husbands are unsaved, alcoholic, and/or abusive in some way. Some women are divorced…. not necessarily by choice. We also have women who are struggling with the Christian life and some who just need encouragement to keep on keep’n on. Some home educate. Some do not. Some have serious heath concerns. Most have several children, some only have 2 or even 1! Some thrive on soda and ramen noodles, and some eat as healthy as possible.

“Husband bashing” is not allowed here, but rather, we want to work on our marriages, raising our children, and ultimately, our relationship with our Savior, because if that isn’t right and we are not submitted to Christ, then the other things won’t slip into place. It doesn’t mean anything is easy and it doesn’t mean that the moderators or anyone else on the list doesn’t have struggles. We look to God’s Word for both the big and little things. We share what we know regarding the mundane things, like grocery shopping or laundry, as well as the big things like submission to a husband who isn’t taking charge of his household. Many ladies are not getting anything past milk in the church establishment today, when they need to have some meat to take them further, spiritually.

Our goal is to encourage and strengthen Christian stay at home moms, particularly those with “many blessings” (children) in their day to day walk. Our desire is that we will all submit, obey, and grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ so He may say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” And as scripture says, we need to be like iron sharpening iron.

Administrator!Gwen (nebraska_granola) is the mother of 3 boys, and one daughter in law. She resides in Nebraska with her Cabela fella. She has one son that is nearing graduation from home schooling. She has always home educated her boys… and probably would teach the kids in the neighborhood if her husband would let her.

Administrator!Ruth is the mother of 12 children, 5 in Heaven. She resides in Montana, but grew up in Oregon. She has been home educating her children since 1989 and has seven home school graduates so far. She enjoys one on one discipleship, making music with her family and quilting. She also has a blog at But First We Have Coffee.

Administrator! Elizabeth is Ruth’s 21 year old daughter. She resides in beautiful Montana where she enjoys ranching, homemaking, and learning about herbs. Find her at her blog here.

Moderator! My name is Laurie and I am a Christian mom of many blessings. I am a moderator for the Prayer & Praise, Expected Blessings, and Laurie’s Triple Blessing forums. I am married to the most awesome guy I know! We have 8 blessings…. five boys and triplet girls.

We are a homeschooling / homechurching family. I enjoy helping our family save money on the things we need and use by using coupons and stockpiling. I also enjoy gardening, sewing, and making quilts.

The Lord has truly blessed me and my family through CMOMB! I have met many wonderful friends both online and in person. I pray that your time here will be blessed as well.

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